
Our quality policy is Quality never comprise,

Our Quality Assurance Program provides you the highest degree of assurance when your product ships it meets your product specifications. In addition,  our rigorous Employee Code of Conduct promotes ethical behavior, human rights, health, safety in the workplace, and awareness of the environment.

Quality that meets your standards begins with planning and designing.  Our process focuses on clearly defining your expectations and requirements with a strictly controlled quality documentation process incorporating uncompromising attention to detail.  We create the quality plan from the project beginning, with DFM analysis, risk anaylis, all of the project we handled to have a very expective quality to get into the market.

We understand how important the quality is for marketing and keeping comapny a good reputation. we are utilizes a proven, proprietary Quality Management System, which includes the foillowing:
Preproduction samples (PPS )---Prototype samples.
OF Tooling Samples  (OTS)
First Piece Approval (FPA)
In Coming Quality Control (IQC)
In Process Quality Control (IPQC)
Pre-shipment inspection (PSI)